Thursday, October 26, 2006


You're right, this isn't really about technology, but it is about education. It's long been my opinion that teachers don't take sick days when they should. There are many reasons for this including the fact that it's very, very hard to prepare for a sub sometimes. Another reason can only be described as dedication.

I understand these reasons completely, but I've often wondered if we'd be better off as a society if everyone (not just teachers) stayed home when they felt sick. Well, thanks to a Cornell University study, I now have an idea how much it costs our economy.

According to the study, the US economy loses about $150 billion every year due to presenteeism, the habit of going to work when you're not feeling well. This economic loss is caused by poor productivity by sick workers and, of course, the spread of disease from employee to employee.

The CBC has more information on presenteeism and some tips on dealing with the Flu here.

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