Wednesday, June 17, 2009

G'Kar goes to school

From G'Kar June 2009

Last week I took G'Kar to a school to meet some students. He was an unbelievable angel. I think he likes to perform for others. Really!

He sat, waiting for pets, patiently, looking irresistibly cute. When I had to take him outside to pee, I said, hurry up and he went within a minute or less, then we could go back into the school. At the end of the day, he was in the staff room and sat in front of me and barked, one short attention bark. I took him outside and he pooped within a minute or two.

In the classroom, I was showing the students clicker training and he was a freaking ham. He sat perfectly, went down perfectly, and then just lied on the table quietly and calmly, watching the students, while I talked about dog training. I'm not kidding about performing - I think he likes it.


Mistuh_D said...

Wow, has he ever grown already.

Rob Geiger said...

He grows about a pound a week. The WAY he grows is really funny, though. One day his legs will sprout, and then next his ears, then his body... he's like a new dog every day!