Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Obedience Class

G'Kar had his second obedience class tonight, and once again, I was really happy with how he performed. And tonight, he learned a new command: "Stand." He has no idea what it means, so we're going to have to spend some time working on it now!

He is still an extremely excitable dog and he loves people to death. Jumping is still a huge issue, though now he usually jumps beside people instead of on them, but if a person gets down low, squatting or sitting, it's over. He'll be on them in seconds, tongue slurping.

He peed again tonight whenever the instructor came over to do something with him, or use him for a demonstration. He just gets so excited.

But, what amazes me, is that even though he's so excitable, he still can focus remarkably well. Even with other dogs around him, people moving, and toys nearby, he can still focus on us with a watch command well over 90% of the time.

His stays have always been rock solid. I ended every training session for 3 months with a stay and he always got a HUGE reward for staying. I'd like to say this has a lot to do with his staying ability, but I'm not sure because he learned stay so quickly and easily. He was staying after two lessons. After four lessons I could move around him, and after six, I could bounce around the room. He has always had amazing patience for a puppy.

Next week, I have to take my camera to the class!

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