Monday, December 14, 2009

Cold, cold, and colder.

It feels like forever since we've been in this deep freeze, but it's really only been a week. G'Kar got walks up until Saturday and then it was just way too cold. Even the few days before caused him to do the famous "my feet are too cold" dog limp. It was only -30C, but he was still limping after a few minutes unless he was full out running. Did I actually say only -30C?

He's actually been better behaved than I expected the last three days, even though he hasn't had a walk. I thought he'd be a bit more attention-seeking and have the zoomies every few minutes, but he's been really quite good. I was able to tire him out (a bit) on Saturday and Sunday with games of fetch inside. I realized this weekend that, other than his week off after surgery, G'Kar has never gone without at least one run in the field each day.

But tomorrow it finally warms up and he'll be out running again.

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